Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Latest Life of Mine

:astig: Selamat Pagi Indonesia sengihnampakgigi

akhirnya setelah ber abad- abad lamanya gue nulis juga huhuhu
Ya ini dikarenakan penyesuaian gue dengan jenis hidup gue yang baru *Halah*
Istilah kerennya adaptasi XD

Im in the mood of telling my life story...

Gue bakal mulai dari perjuangan (?) gue mulai dari obsesi semua orang yang baru tamat SMA sederajat.
Yap, masuk PTN.
Hyah, gue bukannya sombong sih. emang gue akui PTN itu punya nama dan oke.
Tapi kalo obsesi gue mah bukan PTN lagi, tapi PTLN. PT Luar negeri.
Thats a dream !

Tapi akhirnya gue juga harus ngikutin persepsi orang -_-
Dan gue ngikutan SNMPTN di UNRI, Riau.
Bukan karna gue pengen masuk situ.
Tapi karna gue pengen ketemu Temen FB gue, Hehehe
The result? I was failed but thats ok angkatkening, not too much hope. razz
Lucunya, gw heran kenapa gw yg udah kata orang dewasa gini malah melakukan hal bodoh saat ujian berlangsung. menari

zZZZZ, geeZz, ya gue copotin salah satu nomor di meja peserta SNMPTN
dan gw tempelin lagi pake ludah gw.
WAKAKAKAKAK LUDAH !! setangelakgulingyampun, bego nih gue, tapi nempel juga loh ternyata..
ahh, ludah gw emang ajaib

Next Pengumuman dari PTN2 yah gue tunggu udah pada keluar and I fail to Understand kenapa deh gue sedih gue gak ktrima?
Lucu menurut gue.:inis: 
Gue gak berharap, tapi gue sedih gue gak diterima.. :nyerah: kenapa?
Karna apa yang gue mau dan gue rencanakan gagal terjadi. That hurts,
:anongnangyari:tapi ini adalah pelajaran buat gue. Ada rencana lebih baik buat guesengihnampakgigi 
Haha, Univ swasta yang justru gak pernah gue harapin justru nerima gue, dapet beasiswa lagi garupale. UniversitasTeknologiYogyakarta, Jogja. Hmm... :gatau:
Padahal ada Univ negri juga di kota gue, juga ada fakultas yang gue minati, tapi itulah... menurut gue jalan hidup memang sudah diarahkan ! Semangat, vitrie !! peace
Lucunya, gue mah sekarang udah coba ngerti kalimat yang gue ucapin ke teman-teman gue “Dimana-pun kita kuliahh bakal sama aja, tergantung kitanya karna sukses bukan tempat dimana elo kuliah ya
ng nentuin, tapi elo dan usaha lo !!” --- Hmh, :sigh: tapi kadang susah juga ya.. Haha. Tapi Gue akan sslalu coba ngerti, nerima diri gue apa adanya dan menghadapi tiap harinya sebaik yang gue bisa.sengihnampakgigi

Lagi, gue gak aka
n kalah ! Gue gak akan pernah mau kalah sama hidup gue sendiri. Gue gak akan nyerahkenyit. Setiap air mata yang mengalir bakal jadi support agar gue lebih baik dan memperbaiki semua kesalahan yang pernah terjadi. angelKarna gue, gue gak akan mau jatuh lagi dan gagal. Setiap kesempatan akan gue manfaatkan. Hey !! gue pengen ke Jepang So I’ll NEVER SAY NEVERencem untuk setiap CHANCE AND STEP Up star yang ada !! Ganbatte !! :okay:
Akhirnya bisa juga gue nulis ini walopun masih banyak yang pngen gue ungkapin..:ayuk:
Mungkin besok atau ntah kapan gue bakal nulis lagi Ciao !! Wish me luck !!peace

Love, Vitrie xx
:music:Story's Soundtrack : NEVER SAY NEVER - Justin Bieber ft Jayden Smith

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

The Second You Sleep - Saybia

I do really miss this song, gonna make it soundtrack of this month.

The Second You Sleep

You close your eyes
And leave me naked by your side
You close the door so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me

It fills me up
It feels like living in a dream
It fills me up so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me

I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay

I stay awake
I stay awake and watch you breathe
I stay awake and watch you fly
Away into the night
Escaping through a dream

I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay


I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay

Stay awake

I wish by God you’d stay

Listen up here !

Really wanna sing and play it with my own guitar but I can't. LOL

Love, Vitriexx

Not With Me - Bondan P & Fade2Black

This song is so Adorable, gotta admit that !!
When I heard this song my mind start to figure out the song writer's feeling :)

Bondan Prakoso and Fade 2 Black- Not With Me
(Check here !)

I'm walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you're alright
then I'm shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you're still here by my side
I can see you if you're not with me
I can say to my self if you're OKAY
I can feel you if you're not with me
I can reach you my self, yuo show me the way

life was never be so easy as it seems
'till you come and bring your love inside
no matter space and distance make it look so far
still I know you're still here by my side
back to *reff

yea..you've made me so alive ,you give the best for me..love and fantasy
yeah..and i never feel so lonely, coz you're always here with me..
yeah..always here with me
back to *reff

I'm walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you're alright
then I'm shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you're still here by my side

have a nice try !!

Love, Vitriexx

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

LOL Just For Fun !! (Western Jokes: Me & Stranger on Omegle) WARNING : NO OFFENSE !!


( ► Subtitle: Indonesia )
Nah, pengen tau bule ngelawak? haha. Ini ada record chat aku di Omegle (*atau itu bukan aku ya?*) Haha, gatau deh. Tapi aku bisa ngejamin ini semua bercanda. Tidak bermaksud menyinggung SIAPAPUN :) Atau juga melecehkan APAPUN !
Enjoy ! ( End of Subtitle lol )

(►__◄) Warning once again : NO OFFENSE ! 
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------------►Start here...

Talk to strangers! You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: asl
Stranger: P.S the very next person who will say "ASL" or " hey, I'm a horny chick watch me" , I will just reward him with a genuine e-punch right at the nose ! and ehh dont worry I dont care about smashing my laptop
You: LOL
You: ok
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ohh jeez sounds like ya have no fear
Stranger: lmfao cyber threatning aint work for ya huh
Stranger: lol
You: yeah
You: LOL u cant do nothing out theere
You: i mean *can
Stranger: lol ahh well then just for it it comming , if I were ya I would throw that blackberry
Stranger: lol
You: LOL
You: how about iphone
Stranger: ohh nooOoooooooo
Stranger: not iphone
Stranger: cant ruin a good cell
You: no, hmmm i prefer money Lmfao
Stranger: lol
Stranger: darn
You: cash money is better
You: no, throw me jesuss, i really wanna talk to him LMFAO
Stranger: ahahah ahh well sorry he's busy at the moment making some wine
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ya can leave a message hou
You: hahaha
You: look at the calendar
You: theres wtf after tuesday
You: ask him how could its happend
Stranger: ahahaah ohh well he just told me to fuck off lol
Stranger: he's getting drunk
Stranger: drinking the stuff
Stranger: lol
You: LOL
You: look
You: my mum said
You: alcohol is your enemy
You: but jeez said, love yer enemy ahahaha, u rock jees
You: \m/
Stranger: ahahaha
Stranger: well then gotta buy my self a beer and wine bareel
Stranger: for the night
Stranger: I love ya my enemy
Stranger: if my all enemies are taht way then they rock
You: LOL
You: what will gonna happend
You: we talk sumthing bad about God?
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: ohh jeez ya right I dont wanna turn out a frog for heavens sake
Stranger: we sould stop talking about god
Stranger: lol
You: hahahah..
You: ok
You: now we scared
You: yeah
You: hahaha
Stranger: ahahah ahh I'm shakicnh in my snickers
Stranger: lol
You: do u have any twitter account? i ever saw jesus there
Stranger: I can see my skin turing green lmfao
You: omaaagoosshhh !!
You: LOL
You: stop saying that! ahahaha
Stranger: ahahahaha nah I dont have twiter darn
You: yeah, jesuss ever said : Dont use safety belt today, u'll safe
Stranger: alright dont worr that would not take a lot of time I will become a frog soo than I would not be able to say any
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: ROFLMFAO
You: ahahaha
Stranger: ya made my day bud gotta admit that
Stranger: lol
You: what time it takes u turn into frog?
You: LOL yeah you too.. we dont even talk about asl hahaha
Stranger: eh it depends on how many times I aid something bad about god lol so I gues that would be soo soon
Stranger: lol
You: lets count down.. 3 2 1 ROTFL
Stranger: PUFF §§§
Stranger: it happned
Stranger: I type with my tongue now
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: jeez that was quick
You: LMFAO ahahahahah omfg
You: i cant stop laughing
Stranger: by any chances ya ahave any holly water with ya
Stranger: lol
Stranger: lmfao
You: great.. lets see what woorld gonna say
You: lets see this pict
You: a teens changes into a frog
You: pitty . lets pray for ummm... this frog
You: hahahaha
Stranger: ohh ya ruinig the CNN tonight news bud lol party pooper
Stranger: lol
Stranger: yeah jeez I wold be famous hope I wold not end up in a french resto like frogs legs dish
Stranger: :0
Stranger: lmfao
You: hahaha
You: even when yore a frog, you pray?? OMFG LOL i cant believe that
You: hahaha
Stranger: LMFAO ohh ya know , I've learnt the lesson , starting to pray since now
Stranger: lol
Stranger: dont wanna turn into a bug or somthing
You: LOL
Stranger: then the frogs would have me for dinner
Stranger: its better to remain a frog
Stranger: lmfao
You: i cant stop laughing XD
You: ok
You: come on lets say something sood about god
Stranger: lol aww just dont fall of the chair it hurts$
You: he'll let u turn into human again
Stranger: alright ehhemmm
Stranger: /me back to the pope mode sating good stuff about god
Stranger: saying*** jeez now I type crap
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: WTF
You: LOL
Stranger: alright ehheù
Stranger: my lord
You: ok
You: say u thank god cuz u've changed into a frog
Stranger: my savior , forgive me i'm a sinner , but before ya turn me to a human , please let jessica alba nude gimme the kiss of salvation
You: LMFAO, that would never ever happend dude
You: hahaha
Stranger: do ya think he would accept my prayer lol , or he would keep the chik for him self
Stranger: :0
Stranger: lmfao
You: no
Stranger: chick*** its getting worse now I type double crap
Stranger: even my grandma could type better using her toes
Stranger: vrrrrrrrr
Stranger: lol
You: god has a high type of girls ya know
You: like ummmmm
You: lady gaga
Stranger: ROFLMFAO
Stranger: ohh yeah ya mean MR gaga
Stranger: shes like a man for heavens sake lol
You: LOL
You: yeah
Stranger: I would say he would be like into ehhem .... some italian nun model
Stranger: :0
You: i fail to understand why justin bieber being a fan of lady gaga
You: LOL
You: italian model? LOL
Stranger: lmfao I dislike Justin Bieber my self
Stranger: ahh well ya ever seen italian nuns
Stranger: they are nuns but they stil look good
Stranger: like models
Stranger: lmfao
You: no :O
You: LOL
You: yeah they should be like a model
You: hahaha
hYou: ok, that was god now italian model
You: LOL
You: i even dont know who you are
Stranger: ahahaha lol ohh jeez I hope that nothing gonna hapned to me till next sunday
You: dont u wanna know who am I
You: the son of god
Stranger: lmfao yeah I bet jesus can have the whole good looking babes around
Stranger: ya know he's the son of god that counts
Stranger: lmfao
You: LOL
You: no, actually I am alien
You: and tonight im worrying about the predatorrrsss
Stranger: ohh heared that alein babes looking soo bad , but thet still wild at bed is that true bud lmfao
You: LOL
You: how u can say that thing hahaha
Stranger: oh noo no predators plz!!!
Stranger: I still sleep with my teddy bear just in case they come so i would give him instead of me
You: have u ever taste alien in ur bed?
You: LOL
You: teddy bear?? OMFG
Stranger: lol
Stranger: lmfao , alien inmy bed lmfao nah thank ya not into chiniese
Stranger: lol jk
You: LOL i cant believe u mean ur teddy bear is alien?
Stranger: ahaha yeah he is , he don answer when i talk to him that means that he speaks another lingo
Stranger: === he's an alien
You: LOL
Stranger: see its fun to use my brain for a bit
Stranger: lol
You: ok LOL
You: ahaha i cant type while im laughing
Stranger: lmfao then laugh while ya typing
You: yer teddy bear is watching you
Stranger: ohh my laptops battery working on coke power is about to end jeez
Stranger: lmfao
You: LOL
Stranger: hold on gotta plug it in to a coca cola bottle
You: LOL
Stranger: fine its charging
You: jesuss love it, coca cola
Stranger: lol
You: back into jesuss
Stranger: nah I thought that he prefers wine
Stranger: ;0
You: yeah sometimes he prefer no alcohol
You: LOL
Stranger: do ya think that he gain loda money making wine ??
Stranger: :0
Stranger: lmfao
You: lol idk
Stranger: atleast he's got some high standars not into any coke
Stranger: its coca cola
Stranger: better than redbulls anyways
Stranger: :0
Stranger: redbull for satan
You: seems lyk u know much about jeez dirty secrets
You: LOL
You: hahahahahahaha
Stranger: so he could remain awake the whole night at hell
Stranger: lmfao ohh yeah , we go to the same bar thou
You: hahahaha redbull for satan?? is there any for angel??
Stranger: jesus rocks
Stranger: lol
You: OMG
You: LOL
Stranger: ohh well for angerls , well angels does not drink they only eat one specific kind of things
Stranger: CANDIES
Stranger: specially gummy bears
Stranger: thast why the kids love it , ya know kids are angels too
Stranger: :0
You: u said that, another dirty secret of jeez LOL omg now i really wish this is all just for fun
Stranger: lmfao
You: forgive us jees
You: LOL
You: LOL
Stranger: lol alright back at the right track , forgive us god lmfao
You: jees, alien and angel
You: LOL
You: i can guess who we are
You: the demons
You: LOL
Stranger: lmfao yeah I can see that i'm growing a tail in here
You: LOL
Stranger: ROFL
Stranger: christ
Stranger: lol
You: omg thats why we joke about god and friends
Stranger: glad mum cant see this convo other wise she would scream like whaaa!!!! GOD HATE YA!!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: lol that was funn really bud lol
Stranger: the best omegle convo so far
You: internet is awesome each demons can joke about jeez and friends
You: LOL yeah
Stranger: ohh yeah who said there is no internet in HELL
Stranger: lol
You: HAHAHA yeah \m/
Stranger: we got our special sites too , like assbook , myhellspace, youinhelltube
Stranger: and so
Stranger: its pretty better than in the humans life
You: youinhelltube LMFAO
Stranger: anyways its better than angels , they got nothing
Stranger: lol
You: no its better fuckbook HAHAHA
You: yeah
Stranger: they have one TV , and one tv chanel to watch , jesus?TV
Stranger: lmfao at fuckbook
You: LOL they share the single TV both jeez and angels
You: LOL fuckbook sounds dirty
Stranger: lol yeah and jeez is the one responsable of the drinks
You: but i bet people will love the fuckbook
Stranger: I'm just wondering what would be like the roul of MJ in the whole story
Stranger: lol
You: lol hahahahah
Stranger: yeah fuckbook the best place to find your other demon half
You: there'll be so many sins on fuckbook
You: LOL
You: even when you say
You: Heyy add my fuckbook
You: LOL
Stranger: LMFAO , then I bed MJ would be like the webmaster that ptifile
Stranger: or whatever ya wanna spell it
You: or... hey wassup fuckbooker
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: do ya have fuckbook??!! add me plz
You: LOL i dont, i only have fuckbooker
You: jk
Stranger: ahh jeez lol
You: yea i have one but i prefer talk in twitter
Stranger: they do fuck booking then lmfao
Stranger: well i dont have the both of em
Stranger: no facebook , no twitter
You: lol
Stranger: lol I might be the weirdest person in the planet but I'm just ino that esocial stuff
You: really?LOL
Stranger: lol yeah , prefer to stick into the old stuff like MSN and so
You: lol twitter people is sick
You: i dont need to watch TV
Stranger: OMG its so hot ouside in here , just like a huge barbecue party where everyone is invited to get his fried free of charge
Stranger: LMFAO
You: LOL
You: twitter is very damn update
Stranger: lol I really dont have a lot of time to spend on the internet , just when I'm bored or so
You: oh, LOL ok
Stranger: I'm no longer a teenager by the way lol I'm old could be even older than the pope himself :0
Stranger: lmfao
You: internet would so fun if the users are just like ya
You: Wtf?! LOL
You: hahahahahaha you what? no longer a teenager??!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Stranger: ahahahaha well thank ya bud , ya are a pretty cool person your self too
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ahh well belive the words outa my silly keyboard lmfao I'm damn old I'm 24
Stranger: :0
You: no no no dont lie
You: i cant believe that
You: thats whyy you dont wanna talk about asl??!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Stranger: lmfao i'm telling ya bud I swear lol
Stranger: ahahah wwell its just like the ASL convos does not last like just for a 30 sec
Stranger: ROFL
Stranger: ASL
Stranger: 24 M
Stranger: ohh ya pedophile
Stranger: lol
Stranger: then its disconnected
You: thatttssssssss soooooooooooo truuuuuueeeeeeeeee
You: lol yore not really 24 rite?
Stranger: lol ohh christ i'm so wrecked
Stranger: ohh well believe it bud I'm 24 lol
You: jeez
You: im talking to a 24th sinner LOL
Stranger: do ya want me to show ya an ID lmfao
Stranger: lmfao ohh yeah straigh to hell lol
Stranger: I bet ther would be like no mercy for me
Stranger: lolYou: LOL no please dont show me yer ID
Stranger: I dont have any excuses
Stranger: ROFL
You: LOL
Stranger: ahahaah yah thast better , anyways the pic in my ID isnot that good
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I looks like a chimp in it
Stranger: :0
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ohh yeah big ears , fluffy lips and all
Stranger: ROFLMFAO
You: god already cursed you bud
You: LOL
Stranger: yeah I think i sold concider working for a romanian circus
You: LOL
Stranger: lol
Stranger: should**
You: LOLLLLL yeah you sold the should
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: ohh ya i'm a good seller as it seems
Stranger: lol
You: so hey ya 24th sinner, wassup? LOL
Stranger: anywasy , time for me to head to the beach !!! yippy yoop wait for me ya hot babes in the beach
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ohh well I'm good as HELL
Stranger: lol
You: LOL yeah
Stranger: well , bud it was awesome talking to ya in her
eStranger: ya really made my day
You: yeah
You: you too 24th sinner
You: LOL
Stranger: ahahaha I like the name
Stranger: 24th sinner
Stranger: I could make a band
Stranger: lol
You: LOL
You: No, how about the circus community? LMFAO
Stranger: ahahaha
Stranger: well yeah that soudns like a good idea dont know how I didnt think of it
Stranger: lol
You: LOL
You: go make a new ID on YM or MSN, 24th sinner
Stranger: lol ohh I already have a weird MSN ID would not minde to have a set of two
Stranger: :0
Stranger: lol
Stranger: mind*
You: LOL ok, mind
You: hahahaha
Stranger: lol alright time to head offf
You: ok
Stranger: jeez time does not last for a long time
Stranger: lol
Stranger: be good bro
You: yeah btw imma girl
Stranger: ciao
You: LOL
Stranger: ohh jeez lol
Stranger: its my bad didnt bring my cyber glasses with me
Stranger: lol
You: im not kidding LOL
Stranger: sorry for calling ya bud and bro the whole time then lol
Stranger: I feel like a dump head now
Stranger: lol
You: thats ok 24th sinner
Stranger: thank ya ehhh emm how would I call ya cant figuir out a name
You: sayonara then, take care.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ya too take care

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End here ◄-----------------------------

Thanks For Reading :)
Have a nice day.

Laugh and Love, VitrieXX.
P.S: Ni bule tabah aja gw ejekin -____-" ckckckck ;p